Roseacres Friends

Friends Association

When your child joins Roseacres you automatically become a member of our Friends Association. The purpose of the group is to support the work of the school through fundraising events, or putting on events for the children or families to further develop our sense of community. The money raised is spent for the benefit of the children of Roseacres now and in the future. Any parent or grandparent is welcome to attend the meetings or help at events; every little helps. We are always grateful for active committee members or volunteers for any events. If you have a particular skill, talent or business contact that you feel would be of benefit or would like to be more involved, then please contact us either by phone, in person at the main office, via the ‘contact us’ form or email Roseacres Friends directly:

Upcoming Events and Meetings


Please see below a gallery of events organised and funded by Roseacres Friends.

Christmas Wreath Making

Winter Wonderland Disco

Christmas Gift Day