Welcome to Hedgehog Class Blog
This is the page that you can visit to keep updated on the children's learning. Make sure you come back each week to see the learning opportunities that the children have been taking part in.
An Icy Start to the Year
The children were keen to explore the icy conditions outside when we returned to school this week. They were keen to find as much ice as they could and thought about how they could either melt it or keep it frozen.
We read the story 'One Snowy Night' by Nick Butterworth. The children recalled the events and used puppets to act out parts of the story. They also wrote some fantastic sentences about what they could see in the 'I Spy' picture at the back of the book. Some children also used the Duplo to create homes for the animals, or vehicles for them to ride in!
It's Christmas!
This week the children have been enjoying lots of Christmas themed activities.
They also went to sing the Christmas songs to the Takeley Park residents and saw a very important visitor!
And if that wasn't enough, they have also created the most amazing Snowman greeting cards.
Christmas is coming...
This week we invited some grandparents in to school to help us make some Christmas Decorations. The children had a great morning and made some lovely decorations which they will take home next week. A big THANK YOU to all of the lovely grandparents who volunteered for the morning.
There were other Christmassy activities on offer this week including a very popular jigsaw. The children also practised their writing by labelling some Christmas pictures.
The Gingerbread Man
This week the children watched the Musical Story of the Gingerbread Man featuring musicians from the BBC Philharmonic. They loved the mix of oral storytelling, animation, music and songs. They joined in with actions and the songs and were keen to take on the challenges inspired by the gingerbread man this week.
The children also enjoyed some threading and pattern making challenges this week.
Parts and wholes
This week in maths the children have been exploring how wholes are made of smaller parts. They used lots of different resources to investigate this including their bodies, familiar toys and pattern blocks.
A visit from Jack Frost
Today the children were excited to find so much frost and ice in the garden. The 'stage' pallet had magically become an ice rink which the children were keen to explore. They were keen to tell me that I would only find ice in the dark shady places as the sun had not melted it yet. They were very excited and searched the garden for the iciest places and the frostiest leaves.
Wibble Wobble...
This week the children were excited to find a new resource in the garden...A balance board! They took turns to see if they could balance on top and make the board level. Quite a challenge as the slightest move too far makes the board tip the other way!
Firework Fun
This week, the children learnt why Bonfire Night is celebrated in England and recounted their own experiences of watching firework displays. They created firework pictures of their own by drawing with chalk and printing with paint.
Our Portrait Gallery
The children finished their painted self-portraits this week. They chose and mixed all the colours for themselves and looked in the mirror to ensure they remembered all of their important features.
Self Portraits
After creating self portraits for the Reception Tea Towel Fundraiser, the children began painting self portraits and learnt how to mix the paint to create their skin tone. They added small amounts of paint at a time and mixed to make the colour they required, checking against their arms.
Anyone for bowling?
A few of the children made a bowling alley this week and challenged each other to knock down as many foam bricks as they could. This led to some problem solving too as the balls kept rolling under the gate. An extra brick in the wall soon solved this problem. Well done to the children for working together on this fabulous game.
Autumn Leaves are falling down...
The children began to bring in leaves of different colours this week, after talking about the autumnal changes. We displayed some of them in the class and some of the children made leaf creatures with the others.
Yo Ho Ho!
In Drawing Club this week we read 'The Night Pirates' by Peter Harris. The children took on challenges to draw the pirates and invent a new boat for them to sail the seven seas. The children also enjoyed exploring the pirate themed provision and making hats, telescopes and treasure maps. They took on roles as pirates and built pirate ships together outside, as well as telling stories with the pirate small world figures and the pirate ship.
In maths this week the children have been exploring how numbers can be composed of ones and investigating the composition of three and four. They happily took on the challenge to make their own collections of three objects and share them with their friends.
The children really enjoyed giving the outside area a good scrub this week in the rain. They loved making bubbles and creating different pathways with the brushes. What they didn't know was that they were also developing their muscles in their shoulders and arms which will help them develop better fine motor skills such as using scissors and having a secure pencil grip.
Master Builders
This week the children have continued to learn the rules and routines of the class. They have been sharing and taking turns by showing off their building skills as they constructed lots of models and vehicles with the different construction sets available both inside and outside. They have also enjoyed painting, learning to wipe the brush on the pot so that the paint doesn't drip and to hang up their apron after for someone else to use.
The Colour Monster
This week the children have been exploring different feelings through the story 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas. We talked about how the colour monster was feeling in the story and the children used their faces to show me lots of different feelings!
They designed a colour monster of their own using collage materials and talked about how their monster was feeling.
The children have also enjoyed painting, lacing Colour Monster cards and pictures, exploring the music station in the garden and much more!
Wonderful Week 2
This week the children have been becoming more familiar with the daily routines in school. Staying all day was quite a challenge for some and it was clear to see on Friday just how tired they all were.
Settling In
This week the children have been getting to know each other, the classroom, the garden and the routines of the school day. They have made a brilliant start to the year and we are very proud of them all.