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Welcome to Bee Class Blog

This is the page that you can visit to keep updated on the children's learning. Make sure you come back each week to see the learning opportunities that the children have been taking part in.

Spring 1 Week 2

Another fabulous week for the children. They have been working hard on their new phonics sounds and applying them in their spellings. In Maths we have looked at subtraction and several children have really got to grips with using number lines which is pleasing to see. They are beginning to independently write sentences without adult support, remembering the parts to write a cohesive sentence. Finally, in dance they are beginning to learn a routine to perform at a key stage festival.

Congratulations to Roman for the head teacher certificate this week.

Spring 1 Week 1

What a great first week back! It was wonderful to see all the children smiling and ready to return to school.

This week we have been focusing on our non negotiables in English and really looking carefully at our letter formation. In Maths we have been subtracting , which the children did find a little tricky, but I think we’ve nailed it.

The children have been looking at the parts of a flowering plant and labelling them.


Congratulations to David this week for your work in English and RE.

Autumn 2 Week 3 and 4.

Wow ! The children have been so busy these last two weeks. They have worked on 'quizzes' in Phonics, Maths, reading and spelling. I am super proud of the progress and dedication they are showing to their learning. In English they are now looking at The Three Little Pigs and have created a story map and can confidently retell the story in their own words. Well done everyone for all your hard work.

Autumn 2 Week 2

Another busy week of learning. The children continued their fairy tale work with The princess and the Pea by ordering the story and using the connective 'and ' in their sentence writing. They also made their own addition number sentences by using dice.

Autumn 2 Week 1

Great to be back . The children had a busy week writing sentences and focusing on capital letters, full stops and letter formation. We are looking at Fairy Tales and the children have been focusing their learning on The Princess and the Pea.

Autumn 1 Week 7 and 8

Well what a term! The children have settled beautifully and have worked so hard with their learning this term. We have continued writing our sentences about pictures and 'Old Transports'. They have looked at Wright Brothers and George Stephenson and have found out what they were famous for and what they invented. In Maths we have continued our part whole models and fact families. May I wish you a happy half term and I will see you all soon.

Congratulations to Ava S and Tiggy for receiving for the Head teacher certificate. Well done to you all.

Autumn 1 Week 5 and 6

Another busy couple of weeks in Year 1. The children looked at weather and the changes that we have experienced over the past few weeks. They have asked the question 'What types of weather would we see in Autumn?' and set up a scientific enquiry to monitor the temperature, rainfall, wind and Sun hours daily for a week. In Maths we are looking at parts and wholes and in English lots of sentence writing, remembering those capital letters and full stops.

Congratulations to Jasmine and Henry this week for receiving the Head teacher certificate. Both for their positive mind set and 'Can do ' attitude to their learning.

Autumn 1 Week 4

Another week flashes by!

The Dot

The children have been busy this week writing sentences and remembering to use their capital letters and full stops. We have been sharing the story The Dot, which is a story based on resilience and perseverance. The children certainly have worked hard o these skills, discovering they can do it if they keep trying. In Maths we have looked at counting forwards and back within 10 and one more one less also within ten.

A big well done to Joseph this week for your amazing writing in English

Autumn 1 Week 3

Well another busy week past by in a flash!

The children went on an 'Autumnal walk' around the school on Tuesday, discovering the changes from Summer to Autumn using their senses and observing the nature and wild life. In Maths we looked at spelling the numbers zero to ten and matching them to pictorial representations and numerals. We have also looked at counting on from a given number and more work of place value within ten. In English we have used our 'play to learn' to become curious with our 'curiousity table' which is linked to our topic Transport. Finally, the children have been creating character descriptions using the game Guess who!

This weeks Headteachers certificate goes to Preston for his great contribution in Phonics and his clear and flourishing attitude to learning this week.

Fabulous Preston!

Autumn 1 Week 2

Here we are!

This week we have been reading the book 'Here we are'. We have been discussing where we are in the UK and we looked at our school on Google Earth. In English the children we have written sentences about what we were looking forward to when coming back to school and things we would like to get better at. During PE, we worked with partners and realised the importance of talking to each other to accomplish our team challenges. In Maths, we are still looking at place value and counting groups of objects.


This weeks headteachers award was given to Jack for your amazing effort with reading this week and over the holidays.

Great work Jack

Autumn 1 Week 1

Our Class is a family

This week we have been reading the book 'Our Class is a family'. The children have shared what makes us a family even though we do not live in the same house and we have developed our own 'Promise ' to each other. The children have pledged to believe in themselves, to be helpful, to achieve, be respectful and to show enthusiasm. 

In Maths, we have learnt a song to the tune of 'Row, row, row your boat' to help us remember our number bonds to 10.

This weeks headteachers award was given to Phillip for settling so well and making many new friends at his new school.

Well done Phillip!